Our factory is certified by Wrap, in which the Global Garment Social Responsibility Organization (Wrap) production principles are the core standards of factories participating in THE Wrap certification program and guarantee that the products are produced under legal, humane, and ethical conditions.

During the certification will review the following topics: comply with laws and working hours, prohibit forced labor, prohibition of child labor, prohibits harassment or abuse of workers, comply with the regulations of compensation and benefits, conform to the requirement of working time, prohibit discrimination, health and safety standards, safeguard freedom of association and collective bargaining, conform to the requirements of the environmental management, comply with customs, comply with safety regulations.


Business license

A business license is a license issued by a government agency that allows a person or company to conduct business within the geographical jurisdiction of the government. It's a start-up permit from the local government.


Registration form of Foreign trade manager

The factory has the right to export trade.


WRAP Certification

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